diamond jewelry Articles

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Fine Jewelry Care Tips & Tricks

Preserve and fine jewelry care for your most precious possessions should always be in the back of your mind. Heirlooms are meant to be treasured, and repair work can cost almost as much as a new piece. With these easy jewelry care instructions, you’ll keep your fine jewelry and Mokume Gane in fine shape for […]

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Black Diamond Engagement Rings: Mysterious and Unique

Over the last decade, the fine jewelry market has seen a marked increase in demands for black diamond engagement rings. No, not the ski slope variety: black diamond gemstones! What Is a Black Diamond? Essentially, a black diamond is a white diamond which gets its color from its internal flaws, or inclusions. Just like a […]

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What Does “Conflict-Free Diamond” Mean?

Today’s conscious consumers seek more than just beauty; they’re looking for ethical beauty. This is especially true when it comes to diamond jewelry, particularly engagement rings. Couples want to ensure their dream ring isn’t tarnished by a dark past but is as pure as their love and the future they envision. The term “conflict-free diamond” […]

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