japanese wedding bands Articles

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The Time-Honored History of Mokume Gane

Inspired by fabled Damascus steel sword making of the 9th century, Mokume Gane techniques have been used to create distinctive Japanese metalwork pieces for over 500 years.Decorative patterns were hand-hammered and fired to craft the handles and sheaths of Mokume Gane katanas. The intricate artisanship meant that these pieces were status symbols in feudal Japan […]

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Fine Jewelry Care Tips & Tricks

Preserve and fine jewelry care for your most precious possessions should always be in the back of your mind. Heirlooms are meant to be treasured, and repair work can cost almost as much as a new piece. With these easy jewelry care instructions, you’ll keep your fine jewelry and Mokume Gane in fine shape for […]

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Buy Sustainable Jewelry, Plant a Tree

Plant a tree with us. We guarantee that we only support environmentally responsible suppliers – and you can choose to go even further as ‘your’ trees are planted in an ancient forest under threat. Perhaps one day, you will go and visit ‘your’ tree, but even if you don’t, your jewelry will remind you that […]

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