jaumelabro Articles

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How Many Different Colors of Gold Are There?

When most people are asked about colors of gold, yellow and white varieties typically come to mind. And while these two hues are certainly the standard for most luxury jewelry, there’s an entire rainbow of gold alloys that are just as stunning. Our Mokume Gane jewelry harnesses a wide variety of gorgeous shades to produce bespoke jewelry pieces. […]

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Ancient Metalworking Used in Today’s Jewelry

Metalworking Jewelry Techniques of the Millennia​ With millennia of ancient metalworking jewelry techniques at our fingertips, it’s inevitable that jewelry continues to be influenced by time-old traditions. From Egyptian gilding to Damascus steel (that inspires our fine jewelry), expert metalworkers are proud to carry on the legacy of these intricate methods. Egyptian Gilding Thanks to mineral-rich […]

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The Time-Honored History of Mokume Gane

Inspired by fabled Damascus steel sword making of the 9th century, Mokume Gane techniques have been used to create distinctive Japanese metalwork pieces for over 500 years.Decorative patterns were hand-hammered and fired to craft the handles and sheaths of Mokume Gane katanas. The intricate artisanship meant that these pieces were status symbols in feudal Japan […]

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The History of Engagement and Wedding Rings

The origins of engagement rings and wedding rings. For thousands of years, the representation of the bond between two people has long been a ring. These romantic and inspirational gestures have held steady, but where exactly did they come from? Though De Beers didn’t create the diamond engagement ring, they are associated with popularizing diamond […]

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The 4Cs of Diamonds: Clarity, Color, Cut and Carat

Diamonds: they’re the most sought-after precious gemstones, but how does one gauge their quality? Before you buy a diamond, it’s good to educate yourself on the 4Cs of diamonds, where these standards came from, and what they mean to you. Before the middle of the last century, there weren’t any specific standards people could use […]

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Marcel Tolkowsky: The Father of the Ideal Diamond Cut

When you are searching for the perfect piece of diamond jewelry, you simply know when you have found the right one. The way it shines, the weight against your skin, the texture of the materials and the instinct that the piece was meant especially for you. While our love for jewelry is often based on […]

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