mokume gane Articles

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Why We Don’t Use Lab-Grown Diamonds at Jaume Labro

While lab-grown diamonds may be praised as a more “sustainable” option, the reality is more complex. Their production process is energy-intensive. Growing a diamond requires a seed — a piece of natural stone — and significant amounts of electricity, which does not always come from renewable sources. Additionally, the long-term environmental impact of lab-grown diamonds […]

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Unveiling Value: 6 Questions to Guide Your Ethical Jewelry Journey

For millennia, humans have adorned themselves with shimmering metals and captivating gemstones. These treasured pieces whisper stories of love and loss, mark momentous occasions, and become outward expressions of our unique personalities. But in today’s whirlwind of fleeting trends and instant gratification, it’s easy to get swept away by impulsive purchases that empty our souls and […]

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How to Find a Wedding Band for Your Husband

Did you know that men’s wedding bands were uncommon until the mid-20th century? With a wide selection of bespoke jewelry styles, however, it’s clear that the modern tradition has really taken off. When choosing a wedding ring for your husband, there are a number of options to take into consideration, including sizing, material, personal style, and even […]

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Mokume Gane vs Damascus Steel Jewelry

There is a special date approaching, and finding the best ring can be tricky. An engagement ring should be memorable, full of meaning, and, of course, full of love. Damascus Ring or Mokume Gane? Which would be the best choice? Mass-produced jewelry is easy to find everywhere, but you are already thinking about buying a […]

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How Many Different Colors of Gold Are There?

When most people are asked about colors of gold, yellow and white varieties typically come to mind. And while these two hues are certainly the standard for most luxury jewelry, there’s an entire rainbow of gold alloys that are just as stunning. Our Mokume Gane jewelry harnesses a wide variety of gorgeous shades to produce bespoke jewelry pieces. […]

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Ancient Metalworking Used in Today’s Jewelry

Metalworking Jewelry Techniques of the Millennia​ With millennia of ancient metalworking jewelry techniques at our fingertips, it’s inevitable that jewelry continues to be influenced by time-old traditions. From Egyptian gilding to Damascus steel (that inspires our fine jewelry), expert metalworkers are proud to carry on the legacy of these intricate methods. Egyptian Gilding Thanks to mineral-rich […]

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The Time-Honored History of Mokume Gane

Inspired by fabled Damascus steel sword making of the 9th century, Mokume Gane techniques have been used to create distinctive Japanese metalwork pieces for over 500 years.Decorative patterns were hand-hammered and fired to craft the handles and sheaths of Mokume Gane katanas. The intricate artisanship meant that these pieces were status symbols in feudal Japan […]

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The History of Engagement and Wedding Rings

The origins of engagement rings and wedding rings. For thousands of years, the representation of the bond between two people has long been a ring. These romantic and inspirational gestures have held steady, but where exactly did they come from? Though De Beers didn’t create the diamond engagement ring, they are associated with popularizing diamond […]

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Fine Jewelry Care Tips & Tricks

Preserve and fine jewelry care for your most precious possessions should always be in the back of your mind. Heirlooms are meant to be treasured, and repair work can cost almost as much as a new piece. With these easy jewelry care instructions, you’ll keep your fine jewelry and Mokume Gane in fine shape for […]

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Black Diamond Engagement Rings: Mysterious and Unique

Over the last decade, the fine jewelry market has seen a marked increase in demands for black diamond engagement rings. No, not the ski slope variety: black diamond gemstones! What Is a Black Diamond? Essentially, a black diamond is a white diamond which gets its color from its internal flaws, or inclusions. Just like a […]

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Buy Sustainable Jewelry, Plant a Tree

Plant a tree with us. We guarantee that we only support environmentally responsible suppliers – and you can choose to go even further as ‘your’ trees are planted in an ancient forest under threat. Perhaps one day, you will go and visit ‘your’ tree, but even if you don’t, your jewelry will remind you that […]

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Recycled Gold for Sustainable Jewelry

Gold mining causes untold ecological harm. But the gold used to make your Labro ring is different. Find out more about eco-friendly gold. Ethical gold is that produced with no legal or moral concerns. That means no child labor. No illegal operations. No environmentally unsound policies. No association with war. Eco-friendly and recycled gold for […]

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